Not every person can pump up a beautiful and sports press. This is not a job for the lazy. You will have to devote many days to training and give yourself completely to them. To achieve a positive result, you need to know exactly how to pump up the abs at home.
How much can you pump up the press
It is difficult to talk about the specific timing of pumping the press, since each organism is individual. On average, it takes a month of regular training to give the muscles a beautiful relief on the abdomen.
Guides are posted on the Internet, trading methods that supposedly should help pump up the press in one week and without effort. This is a lie. There are no special tools that can speed up the process.
“How to build abs at home in a week” is a popular query on the Internet. In 7 days, initially slim girls will be able to make cubes, since their percentage of subcutaneous fat is small even without training.
Cubes on the stomach are not visible precisely because of the subcutaneous fat - the less it is, the more visible the relief. Therefore, it is much more difficult to cope with the task for overweight women.
A layer of fat, just 1 cm thick, will hide the cubes, even during intense training. In this version, you will need to apply not only physical exercises, but also use the principles of proper nutrition in order to "dry" the body - to drive off excess weight.
The effect depends on the regularity of training, self-discipline and proper nutrition. If you exercise with full dedication regularly, then a positive result will come after 1 month of training. If you give exercises only twice a week, then the period for obtaining results will increase.
The result also depends on the loads received and your own desire. If you do it half-heartedly, then the effect will be appropriate. Changes will come, but there will be no quick victory.
Basic principles of fast press pumping:
- Great desire to complete the task.
- Getting rid of laziness and exercising regularly.
- Performing the correct exercise technique.
- Compliance with intensity and rhythm during exercise.
- Increase the load at the right time - when the exercise becomes easy to do.
- Compliance with the principles of proper nutrition.
Professional athletes say that if you devote 20 minutes to abdominal exercises 2 times a day (not forgetting about the recovery days), then the cubes can be seen after 2 weeks. But it is impossible to stop at the achieved result, the matter will have to be completed in order for the result to take hold.
Diet recommendations
Many girls want to know how to pump up the press at home in order to get embossed cubes as quickly as possible. This question involves finding effective exercises. But don't forget about food.
Wanting to pump up the abs, people sometimes go on dangerous and cruel diets.Fat and favorite dishes are completely lost from the diet, the amount of carbohydrates is reduced to a minimum. With such a system, it will really be possible to remove extra pounds in a short time. The body will begin to process subcutaneous fat into energy.
But this effect is short-term. After a sharp weight loss, the reverse process will occur. The body will understand that at any time it can restrict calories again. Therefore, it will store its name by accumulating calories in subcutaneous fat.
When a person subjects himself to a rigid diet, his body tries to "survive" in adverse conditions, using the maximum amount of energy from fat cells - as a result, the athlete loses weight.
But this process is undesirable for the body, so it will make every effort to accumulate as much fat as possible for the future, so that during the next fasting there will be a lot of energy reserves. As a result, the lost weight will return again and even in double the volume.
Nutritionists have experimented and proved that after the end of strict diets, the weight returns to its previous value in a short time.
Therefore, it is necessary to approach the diet correctly - without starvation and injury to the body.
How to build abs at home, following a diet:
- The course should not last more than 6 weeks.
- You need to eat small meals 6 times a day, which includes several main meals, as well as 3 snacks.
- It is advisable to have snacks 2 hours after the main meal.
- Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. By "clean" water is meant without the addition of teas and coffee. You will also need to forget about drinking soda.
- After training, it is imperative to drink cold water to activate the metabolism - additional energy will begin to be released to warm the body.
- Once a week, you can allow yourself to relax and eat what you want. But the portions should be small - for example, one slice of pizza, not the whole product.
- Once a week, it is allowed to drink a low-alcohol drink - wine or beer.
When following a diet, the following foods are allowed:
- Low-fat varieties of fish.
- Beans.
- Whey proteins.
- Low fat dairy and fermented milk products.
- Nuts.
- Berries (preferably raspberries).
- Lean meat, except pork.
- Olive oil.
- Vegetables.
- Cinnamon helps to reduce hunger.
- Ginger speeds up the metabolism.
- Red pepper speeds up the metabolism and burns fat faster.
The cooking method will also require special attention.
Frying is prohibited during the diet. Steaming or grilling food is the best option for sports nutrition.
The daily diet for an athlete is as follows:
- 30% protein;
- 10% fat;
- 60% complex carbohydrates.
For best results, consume protein shakes between meals. Dairy products, oatmeal, nuts, fruits and berries are added to cocktails. Also, ready-made cocktails are sold in sports stores, but they are available in the form of a powder that can saturate the body with useful substances for the whole day.
Daily calorie intake for a girl:
- 1600-1700 calories in the first week of classes;
- 1200 - 2 weeks;
- Subsequent weeks - 1500 calories.
The increase in volumes is due to an increase in energy consumption - over time, training will have to be carried out with additional weights.
General training guidelines
How to build abs at home by following simple tips:
- The first step is to choose for yourself a comfortable regime for classes. 4 days a week is the best option. Then there will be 3 days left for the recovery of the muscle group. The duration of the lessons is 10-40 minutes.
- Sportswear should be of good quality.Care should be taken that the suit does not impede movement. It is necessary to move as comfortably as possible during classes. It is impossible to train in a dress, as there is a risk of stepping on the hem, losing balance and getting injured.
- Attention will need to be paid to brisk walking. Before starting a working day, it is advisable to get off a couple of stops earlier and walk at a fast pace. Climbing stairs daily is also helpful.
- It is advisable to perform 15 reps in 3 sets for each selected exercise.
- Training loads increase gradually. There is no need to load yourself with additional weights in the first lesson - the correct technique cannot be observed with a high load, and therefore the body will be harmed.
- There is no need to train every day. Any muscle after intense exercise should recover for the next workout. For this reason, it is advisable to do the press every other day.
- You don't have to go to the gym to get the results you want. You can do it at home. But for workouts, you will need to purchase a special yoga mat (or find an unnecessary blanket at home). Using a bed and a sofa as sports equipment is undesirable, since the lower back will bend.
Technique for performing exercises for the press
Effective upper press exercises
Execution technique:
- Raising the torso. The starting position is lying. Hands are placed behind the head or crossed in the chest area. The legs are bent at the knees or thrown over a chair. A deep exhalation is made, after which the body rises upward, and on inhalation falls to its original position. The body must be raised as high as possible. If the exercise is performed by a beginner, then it is enough to bend your back in the upper section and slightly raise your head. The exercise is done in 3 sets of 30 reps. On the first day, one approach is enough - to feel the tension, to understand the movements.
Persistent training with the inclusion of technically simple exercises will allow you to pump up the abs at home in a short time - Raising the hips. The starting position is lying. The arms are extended along the body and the palms are turned to the floor. The legs are straight. When the starting position is taken, the abdominal muscles tighten, the legs rise up at a right angle. Then a deep exhalation is made and the legs return to their original position. All movements are carried out smoothly, without jerking. If it is difficult to lift the legs up, then they can be bent at the knees. When lifting, the pelvis comes off the floor completely - this is an important nuance that ensures the correct load.
- Penknife. Initial position - string - a person lies on his back, hands behind his head - straight. A deep breath is made, the legs and body rise - they are directed towards each other. At the end point, you will need to linger (2-3 seconds is enough), and then slowly return to its original position. It is important to monitor the coordination of movements - if you cannot maintain balance, you should additionally practice maintaining the balance of the body. In order for the press to tighten well, the limbs should not be completely lowered. They should hang at some distance from the floor (15-20 cm).
- Turns of the legs. You need to spread the rug and lie down, raise your legs perpendicular to the floor, and then return to the starting position. Once this will need to be done straight, and then on the sides. You should not completely touch the floor with your feet - 15-20 cm is the ideal distance.
- Slopes on the sports bench. The exercise is intended for the gym and is performed on an incline sports bench. If classes are held at home, then you can use any object on which you can lean your stomach. Legs are securely fixed to the racks (at home, it is advisable to ask someone to insure), after making 20 bends.When performing, you will need to stay half the fold for the maximum amount of time.
The best exercises for the lower press
Build abs at home, like a professional athlete is possible.
To do this, you need to learn about the best exercise options:
- Reverse crunches. The starting position is lying. Hands are located near the body. The legs are directed up and held in a position perpendicular to the body. The pelvis comes off the floor. The pelvis is lifted up with the help of the abdominal muscles - it is forbidden to additionally help. In the upper position, you need to linger (3 seconds), and then gently and smoothly return to the original point. 3 sets of 20 lifts are done.
- Raising the legs. The starting position is lying. Hands are relaxed - lie along the body, palms are directed downward. The legs rise up - they should not become perpendicular to the body, and then they fall back, but without touching the floor - there should be a distance of 15 cm.If such an exercise has not been done before, then it is allowed to slightly bend the knees, so the load will not go to the lower back.
- A bike. Starting position - lying, hands are clasped behind the head. With your right elbow, you need to pull up to the left knee. The unused leg remains straight. After the movements are performed mirrored - the other side. Do 3 quick sets of 20 reps.
- Scissors. From a lying position, the legs are raised 10 cm or slightly higher. Wide swings are made horizontally. From the outside, it looks like scissors are cutting paper. The head must be well pressed to the floor, otherwise there is a risk of injury to the neck. 3 approaches are performed "to failure".
- Hanging leg raises. To perform the movement, you will need a horizontal bar - indoor or outdoor. The initial position is taken, the legs are lifted up with a powerful movement. The knees should reach almost to the chest. In the upper position, you will need to linger, and then smoothly lower to the starting point. It is enough to perform 3 energetic sets until a feeling of tension appears in the press.
Best Oblique Abdominal Exercises
Execution technique:
- Side crunches. The starting position is lying on the side. One hand is placed behind the head, the other is located along the body. The oblique muscles tighten, movement occurs: the elbow moves to the legs, then returns. After 3 sets, the position changes, the same manipulations are performed on the other side.
- Side crunches. The starting position is lying. It is necessary to slowly pull the elbow of the left hand to the knee (right). After that, the position changes - the right hand to the left knee. It is enough to do 15 times "to failure" on each side.
- Hanging leg raises. The exercise is performed on a horizontal bar. It takes up the starting position, the legs rise first to the right, then to the left. When lifting, it is the abs, not the hips, that should be tightened.
- Fitball slopes. It is necessary to approach the fitball sideways, lean your hips on the ball. Smooth lowering and raising of the body are carried out. The exercise is performed until a burning sensation appears in the sides. After the situation changes - the other side trains.
- Standing bends. The starting position is standing. The legs are set wider than the shoulders. Hands are placed at the waist. The body alternately tilts to the sides until the onset of tension and burning in the sides. If the exercise is too easy, then you can take dumbbells or any suitable weight in your hands.
An effective exercise for the oblique muscles of the abdomen for a girl:
A set of exercises for all muscle groups of the press
- Scissors. A recumbent position is taken, swinging movements are made with the legs, as if scissors are cutting paper. The exercise is done until tension and a burning sensation of the press arise, after that - half a minute for a break. You need to complete 3 approaches.
- Raising the torso. From a supine position, the body rises to the knees. Make a delay at the top. Do 3 sets of 20 times.
- Side crunches. The initial position is lying on a flat horizontal surface.A deep exhalation is made, the abdominal muscles tighten, the left shoulder rises and goes to the right knee. After the torso returns to its original position.
- Hanging leg raises. The initial position is taken - hanging on the crossbar, the legs rise and fall without jerking. 3 approaches are performed until a feeling of tension.
- Side crunches on a vertical bar. You need to take a position on the crossbar - hang, raise your legs smoothly and without sudden movements and direct them to the right of the body, and then to the left - alternately 3 sets to failure.
Weekly Abs Exercise Program
It is difficult to pump up abs at home, like the girls from the covers in 7 days. Only girls who do not have excess fat can acquire an attractive relief in one week.
They can really pump up cubes in a short period of 7 days. For people who are overweight, such a workout is suitable to gain a certain base for further workouts, because it is also useful.
Training days: 1, 3, 5, 7. The remaining days should be used to rest and recover the muscle group. The lesson lasts 15-40 minutes.
Training program:
- To get started, you need to do a little stretching and a cardio workout for 10 minutes. For this purpose, you can use a regular rope or jogging in place;
- After that, 3 sets of 30 body lifts are performed. The respite should be minimal;
- After a short rest, 3 sets of 30 repetitions are performed with leg raises in the hang. Then there is a break and 3 sets of the scissors exercise. The complex ends with three sets of leg raises in the hanging to the sides;
- The lesson ends with a long stretch.
If in the first lesson the exercises are too easy, then it is advisable to use weights - they are sold with a weight of 1 kg and more.
Abs exercise program for the month
First, you need to do 10 minutes of warm-up and stretching. 20 minutes of running in the fresh air at an average pace. After the body is prepared for training, you can proceed to direct exercises. The monthly program is convenient in that you do not need to choose a specific complex. Exercises are selected individually.
But it is necessary to include the following types of exercises in the training program:
- twisting;
- lifts of the legs, trunk;
- slopes.
A set of exercises is done every other day. It is performed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening for 8 minutes.
Simulators for pumping the press at home
For exercising at home, the following types of simulators are used, sold in sports stores:
- Bench (adjustable or simple at a set angle of inclination). It can be used by both experienced athletes and beginners.
- ABS Swing. This is a projectile with a swivel seat and handles located on 2 sides - for ease of use. Develops the top and bottom of the press.
- "Captain's chair" - unit with a vertical back and soft armrests for ease of use.
- Roller. The athlete takes the roller from both sides (there are handles on the sides) and rolls forward, stretching the body well, and then returns to its original position.
- Horizontal bar - multifunctional projectile. It is used both for the development of the abdominal muscles and for the entire upper.
- Gym ball or fitball... This product allows movement and flexion in different directions, while being energized by maintaining balance. Also, with the help of a bouncy ball, posture is improved.
By choosing good exercise and following the principles of a healthy diet, you can achieve your goal of pumping up cubes. The task is not easy, but with willpower it can be done. It is enough to study the material on how to pump up the press at home.
Author: Antonov Vyacheslav
Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova
Video on the topic: how to pump up the press at home
How to pump up a girl's abs at home:
I always dreamed of having beautiful cubes, but I never managed to dry out to such an extent. I was inspired, I will try again.