Beauty in 10 minutes - this is a complex from the famous fitness trainer Cindy Whitmarsh. She is an American professional fitness athlete for over 20 years. The woman is also a fitness instructor with a bachelor's degree in fitness and healthy eating.
Cindy Whitmarsh is known in many countries of the world thanks to her author's slimming coaching program called "Beauty in 10 minutes".
Description of the program "Beauty in 10 minutes" with Cindy Whitmarsh
The main goal of the Beauty in 10 Minutes program is to reduce body weight and strengthen muscles. Cindy Whitmarsh also insists on balanced nutrition during training and weight loss. Actually, the loss of kilograms occurs when the amount of food consumed is significantly limited.
That is, you need to eat fewer foods than the body is able to spend during the day. The body will begin to take vital energy from the "reserve reserves", in particular - fatty deposits. Therefore, the process of losing weight inevitably consists in limiting the intake of high-calorie foods.
Beauty in 10 Minutes (a complex from Cindy Whitmarsh) is a carefully selected mix of effective exercises that maximally affect different parts of the body. They are divided into certain body groups (for the abdominal muscles, buttocks, hips and arms). The program includes 5 separate workouts. Interestingly, each lesson lasts only 10 minutes.
If you want to get rid of excess weight while tightening your body, the training program from Cindy Whitmarsh is exactly what you need.
Advantages and disadvantages of a set of exercises
If there is no time for full-fledged fitness classes, then 10-minute workouts from Cindy Whitmarsh will come in handy.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Beauty in 10 Minutes Exercise:
Benefits | disadvantages |
The complex offers work with the most problematic areas:
| The complex lacks aerobics for additional fat burning. |
With a 10-minute workout, your daily routine won't break. | Insufficient load for fast weight loss. It takes half an hour a day to achieve maximum effect. |
Availability of unique load combinations. Several muscle groups work at the same time. | Classes are designed for beginners only. |
Unique exercises for the abdomen. There are many original author's findings that will help to work out the abdominal muscles. | |
A fast paced workout helps you burn a lot of calories. | |
The complex is perfect for beginners. The trainer suggests exercises available to you. | |
Exercises help to strengthen the press, buttocks, hips, and help to reduce flabbiness in the arms. | |
Each individual workout takes only 10 minutes. If desired, it is possible to choose a separate set of exercises. |
Cindy talks quite clearly and shows exactly how to do the exercises. Plus, for Russian-speaking users, the videos have been translated into their native language.
Basic principles of the program
Beauty in 10 minutes (a set of short sessions) is the best offer if there is not enough time for fitness.
As mentioned above, the program consists of 5 10-minute sessions designed for different zones.
The main principles of training include:
- exact adherence to the techniques of the proposed basic exercises;
- doing the exercises several times at regular intervals.
Even when doing 1 workout per day, aimed at a specific muscle group, you can achieve amazing results in the shortest possible time.
How to do the exercises correctly
Beauty in 10 minutes (complex from Cindy Whitmarsh) has 5 different classes.
It should be understood that:
- there is no need to overstrain, performing the whole complex at once. Enough 10-minute sessions for a specific problem area of the body;
- when starting classes for the first time, it is not recommended to do too heavy loads, it is preferable - gradual adaptation;
- the day after exercise, pain in some parts of the body may appear.
If there is a need to reduce the volume of the hips, tighten the butt, get rid of the ugly "orange peel", but at the same time there is no time to visit the gym, then with the program from Cindy Whitmarsh you can do it at home.
The main emphasis is on lunges and squats, since it is these exercises that most affect both sides of the hips, also involving their internal muscles. If you have varicose veins or joint problems, you should avoid too sharp lunges, deep and intense squats.
Among the main exercises:
- dumbbell squats;
- calf squats;
- deadlift;
- lunges in one place;
- lunges to the sides;
- lunges with the leg forward / backward;
- lifts of the right and left legs with a dumbbell.
In order to avoid mistakes in movements, it is recommended to do gymnastics with video lessons with comments from Cindy Whitmarsh.
Hand exercises are designed to strengthen the muscle tissue of the arms and get rid of sagging.
The proposed complex includes:
- dumbbell bench press;
- raising your hands in front of you;
- spreading arms to the sides;
- lifting dumbbells to the chest;
- spreading arms to the sides;
- rotations of dumbbells with rotation of the hands;
- flexion of the arms for biceps alternately in both directions.
The goal of gymnastics for this problem area is to strengthen the muscles and improve the overall figure. It is wrong to believe that just squats are enough to form firm buttocks.
Although it is the squats that are considered the most appropriate exercises that give the maximum effect. It is worth noting that there are many other fitness exercises that can be used to strengthen the buttocks and legs.
To make your legs slim, you need to exercise constantly. At the same time, the daily diet should be balanced with a reduced calorie intake. If there is a need to preserve or bring the ass and hips to a normal form, fatty and flour products, sweets should be excluded from food.
An important point for obtaining a positive effect is the exact technique of performing the fitness program.
By doing the movements incorrectly, you may not achieve the desired effect, or even get injured.
To effectively work out the target muscles of a given area of the body, you need to do at least 3-4 approaches, performing a separate movement. Repeats should be done until a slight tingling sensation appears in the muscles.
Preferably there should be a minimum of 15 repetitions. And it's better to do one movement up to 30 times during one approach. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to perform this list of exercises at least 2-3 times throughout the week.
List of exercises:
1. Spreading the hips while lying down.
When performing movements, the muscles of the buttocks and the back of the thigh work. In order to get the most out of this movement, it is recommended to lower the body onto the forearms. You need to hold dumbbells under your knees. When the leg returns to its original position, it should be bent and pulled closer to the chest. Thus, the effect of the exercise increases.
2. Abduction of the hip to the side in the kneeling position.
The buttocks and the outer thigh are involved in the work. The arms can be slightly bent at the elbows. Having reached the top point, you need to stay in this position for 3 seconds, thus increasing the effect of the exercise.
3. Taking the legs to the sides in turn.
Great movement for strengthening the gluteus muscles. Feet perform semicircular strokes, first in one direction, then in the other. In this case, the muscle tissue of the buttocks works most effectively.
4. A bridge with an elevation of the pelvis.
The use of this technique has an excellent effect on the elimination of adipose tissue in the buttocks. The biceps and the back of the thigh work. The effectiveness of the movements will increase if you put your feet on your toes, and put some kind of weight on the lower abdomen.
5. Bridge using one leg.
This version of the bridge involves raising one leg one by one, then the other. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, the supporting leg should be raised on a tiptoe.
Many women have problems in the waist area. You can reduce the abdominal circumference by swinging the press. This will help tighten your abdominal muscles.
If there are any health contraindications, all movements must be done, avoiding jumping.
In this case, you should not go jogging. However, when pumping the press, you should stick to a fairly fast pace. For example, you can pull your knees up to your chest in a plank position. The main point in such training is maintaining the pulse in the area where fat burning is supposed to be.
List of abdominal exercises:
- running in one place with raising the knees;
- boxing;
- jumping with arms and legs;
- walking in a plank position;
- raising the knees to the chest;
- "crab";
crab - jumping in the plank with leg extension;
- jumping in the bar;
- "a bike";
- "Bike" with outstretched legs;
- bar;
- side bar;
- turns with lunges.
Power stretching, or stretching, offered by Cindy Whitmarsh, is performed after a particular set of exercises has already been worked out, that is, at the end of physical activity. It is mainly aimed at relaxing muscle tissue.
Such exercises are an important element of all workouts, due to the implementation of which the flexibility of muscle tissue and the elasticity of the joints are improved. At the same time, there is a rapid muscle recovery. Stretching exercises will save you from injury, make sports activities more effective.
Stretching promotes the formation of new muscle fibers, increasing a person's strength and increasing the productivity of physical activity by about 10%.
Plus, stretching significantly improves blood circulation in the muscle tissue, minimizing the pain of training. Stretching exercises also help to reduce the recovery period of joint and muscle tissues, which has a beneficial effect on overall human health.
Such exercises increase the mobility of the whole body, while significantly increasing the strength of a person due to the range of movements used. What's more, stretching can reduce your heart rate and restore blood pressure.
Such movements allow you to relieve tension, get rid of stress after performing fairly intense physical exercises. Also, due to stretching, the content of endorphins in the blood increases, a person feels satisfied.
Complex "Beauty in 10 Minutes" from Cindy Whitmarsh, like all other programs that include physical activity, has some contraindications for use.
This fitness program should not be engaged in the following cases:
- injuries, fractures;
- if a person suffers from high blood pressure, diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- when a person has renal or liver failure;
- if a person has varicose veins;
- with other serious diseases.
This complex is not recommended for people who have serious problems with the musculoskeletal system.
Fitness complex "Beauty in 10 Minutes" from the American athlete Cindy Whitmarsh is a set of ideal strength exercises for strengthening muscle tissue in problem areas, designed for those who are just starting to engage in sports training. This fitness complex will help bring the dream of having a slender figure closer.
Short but effective sessions are the optimal solution for people who have just started fitness training, as well as those who want to lose extra pounds. And by doing exercises for a longer time, you can acquire athletic forms. In addition, the program increases vital energy, makes a person healthier, more cheerful and simply happy.
Author: Tumanova Natalia
Article design: Mila Friedan
Video: Beauty in 10 minutes
Beauty in 10 minutes. Press: