Facial rejuvenation massage, which can be done at home, is carried out with hands or special devices using oils and involves different techniques.
Indications and contraindications for facial massage
Massage is performed after injections of preparations containing botulinum toxin, and in case of patient discomfort. It helps restore muscle function.
Shown in different age periods in such cases:
- up to 27 years old. The main symptom for the massage is the level of compensation and subcompensation acne, porous and oily dermis;
- 28-40 years old. At this age, the natural formation of connective tissue cells and moisture-forming components of the skin is inhibited;
- 35-45 years old. Small and deep wrinkles appear, muscle tone decreases in the decollete area, face and neck, which becomes a direct sign for massage.
At any age, facial massage is relevant with the existing double chin and people with dehydrated or dry skin.
- the presence of skin allergic and infectious rashes;
- multiple nevi and papillomas;
- damage to the dermis (abrasions, wounds, microtrauma);
- great fragility of skin vessels located on the surface;
- after performing medium and deep peels.
It is also not recommended for people suffering from such diseases:
- oncology of adjacent organs:
- facial neuritis;
- hypertension level 3;
- acute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;
- poor blood clotting.
Japanese massage
Facial massage for rejuvenation at home using the Japanese technique is distinguished by the strength of its effect on the dermis. To strengthen the facial muscles, the arms should move along the lymph vessels. The procedure is done in a sitting or standing position with simple massaging movements with the application of a small amount of cream.
Systematic movements have a beneficial effect on lymph drainage, relieve puffiness and improve the contour of the face.
The massage is performed with the following movements:
- Folded tightly together with three middle fingers of the hand, which must be placed close to the auricles and pressed against the skin.
- In this position, hold for a couple of seconds.
- Acting on the skin with the same pressure, move your palms from the neck to the collarbone.
- Hold your fingers in the collarbone area for a few moments.
When implementing it, it is worth considering the following recommendations:
- Before starting manipulations, it is necessary to study the location of the lymph nodes, and in these places massage the skin gently, without stress.
- Pre-cleanse your face with cosmetics.
- Understand how to properly perform the technique.
Vacuum massage
The technique involves the use of a special device (cans).The bank creates pressure on the dermis, then small hematomas appear. In this case, the body throws regenerative forces into this area, and the process of hypercompensation occurs. As a result of microtraumas, the tone of the facial muscles is improved, the internal skin layers are regenerated.
- Buy jars with a diameter of 2-3 cm, and for the eye area - 1 cm.
- Thoroughly cleanse the skin before handling.
- Explore massage lines where you can achieve maximum effect.
- Apply oil first. You can use natural unrefined or cosmetic products.
- Put the cans according to the instructions. It is very important to trace the suction power of the dermis with the instrument.
- Reposition the banks carefully only along the massage lines. The correct procedure provides for their uninterrupted movement over the face.
- Drive carefully and extremely carefully in the eye area, without stopping in one place.
- It will take several sessions to achieve a noticeable result.
Lymphatic drainage massage
The lymphatic drainage technique helps fight puffiness, excess chin and is able to normalize subcutaneous circulation. It is preferable to do massage at home manually. The procedure is painless and involves a combination of stroking, circular and tapping effects along specific lines.
This requires:
- Exfoliate your face.
- Cover the skin with any massage product and rub lightly.
- Perform basic massage movements, following the recommendations.
- Target the forehead, under the eyes, around the mouth and nose. You can highlight the cheekbones, tighten the cheeks and the oval of the face.
- Repeat all exercises 3 r.
- Finish the manipulation with patting touches.
Buccal massage
Facial massage for rejuvenation at home, which is called buccal, involves kneading the facial muscles in the cheek area from the inside and from the outside. Helps to lose weight and relax expression muscles.
Execution technique:
- cleanse the skin of cosmetics and put on clean gloves;
- start manipulating with simple warming movements from the lower jaw, and move to the cheekbones, gradually adding pressure;
- then place the middle and index fingers inside the cheek and massage this zone with unhurried, smooth transitions, starting from the corner of the lips;
- after completing the main part of the procedure, you need to lightly pat the outer cheeks with your fingertips;
- apply a moisturizer and nourishing agent.
The duration of the first session should not be more than 10-15 minutes. The massage should be carried out quickly, in order to avoid negative sensations or traces of exposure. The course is from 10 to 15 sessions. Taking breaks is not recommended. After the first manipulation, the skin will tighten a little, and after five the effect will be significant.
Lifting massage
Helps to make the skin firm and firm. The procedure is indicated for the prevention of getting rid of wrinkles and for relieving the tension of facial muscles. Perform along the massage lines that coincide with the direction of the lymphatic vessels. This promotes minimal stretching of the dermis and the elimination of excess fluid from cells.
Correct direction of massage of parts of the face:
- the neck is massaged from bottom to top;
- the middle of the forehead from the bridge of the nose to the border of the hair;
- the brow zone from the center to the temples;
- upper eyelid and skin under the eyes from the outer to the inner corner of the eye.
And also follow the massage lines:
- from the sides of the nostrils to the center;
- in the area of the nose from bottom to top;
- from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the auricles;
- from the center of the chin to the earlobes.
It is done in alternating movements by stroking, kneading, patting and rubbing. When performing, use massage oil: add a few drops of aromatic oil to the main one.As a result of the procedures, the skin becomes healthy, bags under the eyes disappear, the oval of the face is leveled, nasolabial wrinkles are smoothed.
Acupressure massage with almond oil
Almond oil is an excellent anti-aging treatment. Due to the composition, which contains many vitamins, antioxidants, trace elements and fatty acids, the substance easily penetrates through the epidermis, activates cell regeneration, and renews the deep layers of the dermis. Helps get rid of fine wrinkles.
Acupressure technique:
- apply a little of the above oil to your fingers;
- with the pads of three middle fingers
tap on the face, make movements very quickly in the eye area;
- then stroke the forehead from the bottom up;
- in the same way, stroke the cheeks from the top of the nose to the temples;
- with the pads of the 2nd and 3rd fingers, smooth the middle of the cheeks from the center of the lip towards the ears;
- with bundles of all fingers, except for the large one, smooth the skin from the chin to the earlobes;
Repeat each movement 5-6 p.
Plastic massage
At home, having certain skills, you can do plastic massage for rejuvenation. In this case, blood circulation is activated, skin tightness improves, facial muscles are strengthened.
Rejuvenates the dermis and gets rid of adipose tissue.
The course involves 10-15 sessions, which are carried out every other day. After its completion, carry out supporting procedures 2 r. per month. Do vibrating, fixing and pressing movements. They should be alternated with each other and carried out only along the massage paths. The technique is distinguished by a special kneading, which is performed in a reciprocating circular motion.
Myofascial massage
Differs in the effect on the intermediate zones between the muscles. To do this, you need to have deep knowledge of anatomy and have high accuracy.
The main levels of the procedure:
- remove makeup and cleanse the skin;
- apply talcum powder or oil extract;
- knead the entire front surface;
- twist the dermis under the chin.
Further, the twisting process is carried out in the area near the ears. Here, their back area must be pushed back and the ears must be massaged with thumbs. Then stretch the cheekbones and forehead. All these manipulations are aimed at improving the functioning of the muscular membrane, which leads to rejuvenation.
Spanish massage
Spanish massage is aimed at strengthening and removing various imperfections in muscle tissue. It is focused on the ultimate restoration of the elasticity of all facial tissues, which occurs during deep relaxation, as well as getting rid of wrinkles and facial swelling.
Basic principles of technology:
- apply only one type of massage during a certain period;
- when exposed, it is necessary to take into account the special characteristics of the organism of a particular person;
- manipulations contain about 100 different techniques, which prevents the body from getting used to certain influences;
- each maneuver is flexible in its own way, which eliminates painful sensations.
Spanish massage has the following varieties:
- Myotensive. Gives elasticity to the joints of muscles and joints.
- Somato-emotional. Strengthens the nervous system through the opposite sensations, from gentle to hard.
- Lymphatic drainage. Removes excess fluid in tissues.
- Hemolymphatic... Improves blood circulation and stabilizes blood pressure.
- Neurosedative. Relieves stress and irritability, normalizes sleep.
Honey massage
Home rejuvenation facial massage with honey is used to improve color and rejuvenation. Previously, it is worth making a test for the absence of an allergic reaction to this product.
To carry out the procedure, take the following steps:
- remove makeup from the face and cleanse it of impurities;
- cover the facial dermis with a thin layer of honey using your fingers or a special sponge;
Honey facial massage provides a double effect - smooths wrinkles and deeply nourishes the skin - hold for 10 minutes;
- in areas where the product has not been absorbed (this indicates the presence of toxins), massage should be performed;
- with gentle, light pressure with the fingertips, apply to the skin and then slowly remove them. Do not stretch the working surface and do not press strongly. Carrying out time - 15 minutes;
- after manipulations, wait a couple of minutes and rinse off the remaining honey with water at room temperature.
For greater effectiveness, add a little essential oil to the product. Perform the procedure no more than 2p. in Week.
Chinese massage
Chinese massage has a healing effect on the entire body. Painless and safe, it helps to relax the nervous system. There are points on the face that are responsible for one or another organ. A well-done procedure can rejuvenate the skin and stop the aging of the entire body.
There are several types:
- Taoist It is distinguished by the concentration in the hands of the healing vitality that is transmitted to the dermis of the face and the whole body. Eliminates wrinkles, increases skin tone, improves eyesight, cures insomnia.
- Lodge massage or anti-wrinkle. The principle is to alternately apply cold and hot spoons. This relaxes the muscles and improves skin elasticity.
- Guasha - point effect on the face. It is performed using special buffalo or jade horn plates. In addition to rejuvenation, it relieves headaches and through special points has a beneficial effect on diseased organs. Session duration - 60 minutes. Do 10 procedures with a frequency of 1-2 p. in Week.
Tibetan massage
The main idea of the technique is to recharge the body with energy, cleanse the aura and rejuvenate the dermis of the face. The main secret lies in the use of essential oils.
Basic Rules:
- start with simple neck strokes and gradually move higher;
- do not exert strong pressure on the skin, do not scratch it;
- after warming up, proceed to the main manipulations - massage the front surface from the nose to the edges;
- the upper eyelid is rubbed with light movements in the direction from the nose to the temples, and the lower one from the corners of the eyes to the cheekbones;
- correct massage of the nose consists in sliding the fingers along the bridge of the nose and lifting along the nostrils;
- massage of the area around the lips is carried out from the middle to the edges;
- at the end, lightly tap on the skin and décolleté.
It is advisable to carry out manipulations 2-3 times. in Week
Pinch massage
The technique stimulates the movement of blood flow on the face, the tense muscle zones relax and gradually smooth out. It is carried out by means of usual pinching.
Recommended for women with skin problems:
- seborrhea;
- the presence of scars;
- acne;
- acne;
- excessive work of the sweat glands;
- poor blood circulation.
Performed using talcum powder. Grab a small part of the skin of the face with the middle phalanx of the index finger and the pad of the thumb and release. It is not recommended to delay. It is necessary to capture the dermis with subcutaneous tissue.
The procedure takes 10 minutes. For high efficiency, make cosmetic sessions daily for a month. Then you can carry out the number of them up to 2-3 p. in Week.
Modeling massage according to Dubinina's method
The massage is aimed at awakening the deepest facial muscles. Carrying out modeling exercises every day helps to get rid of expression lines and sagging facial skin. Exercises are carried out with great resistance to activate muscle work in front of a mirror.
Execution technique:
- relax and sit on a chair;
- rinse your face with cool water;
- with both hands, stroke the entire front surface from top to bottom;
- With 3 fingers, touch the central part of the forehead, press and pull the skin up. Do 5 times for 10 seconds;
- pronounce the sounds "Y", "Y", "S", "O" with maximum resistance and at the same time use facial expressions;
- raise your head up and say the letter "P", at the same time smooth the chin area. Helps get rid of excess chin.
Charging is desirable for 10 minutes. daily.
Expert advice: How to choose the right massage technique
There are classic, simple types of massage that you can learn to do yourself. These include light stroking, patting, and rubbing. These can be anti-cellulite, lymphatic drainage and relaxing techniques.
But for the selection of the procedure, there are professionals who will select the necessary treatment method. This is a medical procedure and the specialist must be properly trained.
Massage in experienced hands gains healing power, relieves diseases.
Facial massage is very beneficial for rejuvenation. It helps smooth out wrinkles, relieves sagging facial muscles and produces a lifting effect. Having learned the technique of performing at home, and with regular conduct, you can give the appearance a fresh, blooming look and delay old age.
Video about facial massage from wrinkles
How to do facial massage at home:
Japanese face massage, technique features:
I bought myself cans and regularly perform cans massage. A very effective way to keep your face young and attractive.