It is believed that long, well-groomed curls are the main sign of beauty. Therefore, some women strive to grow long thick hair on their heads, but do not know what exactly needs to be done for this. And for these purposes, they use a lot of means, including pharmaceutical, cosmetic and home remedies.
What treatment is available at home
At home, hair treatment is carried out using three methods:
- Home hardware therapy. Home therapy is carried out using a special device - darsonval. It is a comb that stimulates the skin with an electric current. Thanks to this effect, blood flow to the head is enhanced, hair follicles are stimulated and, accordingly, hair growth is accelerated.
- Professional cosmetics. Professional cosmetics include shampoos, masks, balms, which can be purchased in specialized stores. But only an experienced trichologist will be able to choose cosmetics that would be suitable for solving individual problems.
Folk recipes with natural products help accelerate hair growth - Folk recipes. Treatment according to folk recipes is the simplest and most readily available. You just need to carefully consider the choice of useful components. Only the correct ratios of specific ingredients will help achieve the expected result and will not harm your health.
How else to speed up hair growth
An integrated approach that includes several aspects will help accelerate hair growth:
- good nutrition... Hair cells for normal functioning must receive the necessary vitamins and minerals;
- hormonal balance;
- continuous and suitable care... Hair growth is positively influenced by hair massage, high quality of the selected cosmetics;
- no stressful situations... Hair growth is accelerated by following a healthy lifestyle. Stress has an extremely negative effect on hair health and can lead to hair loss.
Hair grows poorly after 40 years in women - what to do
Hair does not grow on the head (not everyone knows what to do in this case) after 40 years for several reasons: cell division slows down, the activity of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, the rhythm of blood circulation decreases. These changes have a significant impact on hair growth. The strands become brittle, dry. Hair becomes thinner and growth slows down.
The main task in caring for hair on the head at this age is to moisturize it. After washing, a moisturizing spray should be applied to the strands. Homemade nourishing masks and essential oils will help to maintain silkiness and smoothness of hair.Masks should be applied at least once a week.
We must not forget about proper nutrition - experts advise eating foods with a high content of zinc and calcium.
Shampoos and serums
The shampoo not only cleanses the curls from dirt, but also acts directly on the skin. It is a staple hair care product, so you should pay attention to the quality of the product and choose a reliable manufacturer.
A growth-promoting shampoo should be used every time you wash your hair. To begin with, the scalp is treated with the help of massage movements, and then the remainder is distributed over the entire length of the hair. After 3-5 minutes, rinse your hair with warm water. The most famous shampoos 911 Onion, Pure line with wheat germ, Alerana, Fitoval.
The main components of the serums are vitamins and minerals that contribute to the proper nutrition of the hair follicles. Thanks to them, the hair becomes healthy and shiny. The yeast included in the composition stimulates the growth of strands.
The serum combines the effectiveness of a mask, balm, conditioner. The product is evenly applied over the entire hair length. You do not need to wash it off. The most demanded serums are Keranova, Schwarzkopf Professional, Agafia's first aid kit.
A nicotinic acid
Niacin is a vitamin PP or niacin that contributes to:
- improving blood circulation;
- strengthening hair follicles;
- active saturation of hair with vitamins and restoration of their structure;
- improving the general condition of the vessels of the head, increasing their elasticity, and the skin;
- enrichment of hair roots with oxygen;
Another advantage of nicotinic acid is its versatility. It is suitable for all hair types, does not hurt the ends.
The drug does not leave a greasy coating on the curls, and also does not have specific odors, allows you to grow long thick hair in the shortest possible time.
Dimexide is a drug with pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties. The main feature of Dimexidum is its ability to penetrate deeply into the layers of the skin and nourish it. Due to this property, the solution is widely used in cosmetology.
Dimexide is included in the composition of numerous masks that solve the problem of damaged hair.
In order for Dimexide not to do harm, but to solve the problem associated with the growth of hair on the head, certain conditions must be observed:
- preparation and application of the product to the strands is possible only with rubber gloves;
- to achieve maximum performance, the mask with Dimexide is applied only to dry strands;
- Dimexide is used only in a form thoroughly mixed with oils;
- the course of treatment is 13-14 procedures. It is enough to carry out 2-3 sessions per week. The break between courses must be at least 4 months;
- the mask should be applied with light massage movements.
Tar birch
Birch tar is a specific dark viscous liquid with a pungent characteristic odor, which is obtained as a result of the distillation of birch bark. It is widely used both at home and in professional salons. The product is considered to be one of the natural hair growth stimulants.
Birch tar in hair follicles stimulates blood flow, restores metabolism.
The complex of elements that make up birch tar restores damaged scalp, stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Birch tar also helps people with dandruff problems.
Essential oils
Essential oils of geranium, ylang-ylang, juniper, tea tree, rosemary and others are suitable to stimulate hair growth, as well as as a care product.
Each of them has certain properties:
- sage favorably affects the general condition of the strands, controls the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
- geranium - is a powerful growth accelerator, has antimicrobial properties;
- rosemary stimulates blood circulation of the skin, reanimates damaged ends;
When hair does not grow on the head, essential oils will help improve their condition. - citrus directly accelerate the growth of strands, have a general beneficial effect on the scalp and hair in general;
- cinnamon stimulates blood flow of the skin due to the warming effect;
- tea tree heals weakened strands, eliminates itching and dandruff;
- bergamot has an antimicrobial effect, has a beneficial effect on hair follicles;
- Melissa soothes irritated scalp, prevents dandruff, regulates the normal activity of the sebaceous glands.
Vitamin A - eliminates hair fragility, normalizes the sebaceous glands. It is also responsible for protecting hair from the negative effects of UV light. Contained in carrots, melons, dairy products.
If hair does not grow on your head, here's what to do - you should eat foods high in B vitamins: seafood, potatoes, apples, peanuts, cottage cheese, fresh herbs, mushrooms.
The following vitamins are useful from this group:
- B1 is directly involved in metabolic processes, carbohydrate metabolism... The lack of this vitamin is reflected in the external condition of the hair - they become dull and brittle;
- B2 is essential for redox reactions... It is involved in the absorption of iron and other metabolic reactions. With a lack of B2, the hair becomes oily at the roots and dry at the ends;
- B10 promotes skin tone, slows down premature aging. First of all, it has a beneficial effect on the scalp, but also helps to preserve the natural color of the strands;
- B12 directly affects cell division. Lack of this vitamin causes dry scalp, dandruff and focal hair loss.
- Vitamin E nourishes hair follicles, maintains healthy skin... With its lack, hair begins to fall out. Vitamin E slows down and prevents the development of this process. It is found in large quantities in dairy products, vegetable oil, vegetables, nuts.
- Vitamin C affects the activity of capillaries. Its deficiency negatively affects the blood circulation process. At the same time, the hair begins to fade, and later fall out. Vitamin C is included in the chemical composition of the following products: apples, melon, persimmon, rose hips, citrus fruits, tomatoes, onions, raspberries.
- Vitamin H favorably affects the general condition of the skin, hair, nails. With a lack of vitamin, a fatty imbalance appears - the hair becomes either dry or very oily, as a result of which dandruff begins. Vitamin H is found in the following foods: beef, tomatoes, milk, chicken.
Shilajit is a natural remedy that is a mixture of organic and inorganic compounds. Resin improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolic processes in the skin, activates hair growth. In pharmacies, as a rule, purified shilajit is sold in the form of tablets.
For problems associated with the growth of hair on the head, the mummy effectively helps. Here's what you need to do to keep your hair long and not split: add 4-6 g of the product to your regular shampoo. The head is washed with the resulting mixture at regular intervals. As a result, the amount of lost hair will be reduced, the curls will acquire a shiny and healthy look.
Shilajit is also often used as an ingredient in masks and lotions. These products nourish the hair follicles, get rid of split ends, and strengthen the strands along the entire length.
How to change your lifestyle
To speed up the growth of hair on the head, first you need to get rid of habits that negatively affect the health of the strands:
- stress. During a stressful situation, the body produces adrenaline. This leads to a malnutrition of the skin, slowing hair growth, and then hair loss;
- alcohol and smoking... Nicotine interferes with the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the skin. As a result, hair becomes brittle and dull;
- styling products. Most products contain polymeric substances. They form a thin layer around the hair, which disrupts the blood supply to the hair follicles. All this negatively affects the health of the strands.
Active sports in the fresh air have a positive effect on metabolic processes. Oxygen actively enters the cells of the hair follicles, which contributes to the growth of healthy and lush hair. Regular head massage activates blood circulation, which, accordingly, improves the general condition of the curls.
The procedure takes a minimum of time and effort, but it is very effective.
Features of the diet
When scalp hair is not growing, the first thing to do is to rethink your daily diet. The foods consumed have a great impact on the quality of hair, skin, nails.
The diet must include:
- milk products;
- legumes;
- nuts;
- seafood. Particular attention should be paid to fish and seaweed;
- meat. It is advisable to opt for low-fat varieties - rabbit, chicken, beef;
- red, orange, green fruits and vegetables;
- porridge. Oatmeal and millet porridge will bring the maximum benefit;
- olive oil. To obtain the result, it is enough to consume 1 tablespoon daily, for example, as a vegetable dressing.
The condition and beauty of hair is negatively affected by the consumption of carbonated lemonades, chocolate, alcoholic beverages, hot spices. Therefore, it is advisable to give up these products during the diet. The amount of coffee and tea consumed should be reduced to 1-2 cups per day.
Homemade masks for hair growth
Regularly applying homemade masks to your hair will significantly strengthen your hair and promote faster growth.
Dimexidum mask
Burdock oil, Dimexide, castor oil, vitamin A are mixed in the dishes. The proportions of the ingredients are equal and amount to 5-7 ml.
Then the composition is applied to the hair, after which it is wrapped in a towel for 25 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the hair should be rinsed with warm water.
Essential oil mask
It is necessary to combine heated castor oil with essential oils of mint, lavender, rosemary. The proportions are about the same. The mixture is first rubbed into the scalp, after which the remainder is distributed over the strands. The duration of the procedure is 45-55 minutes, after which the hair is washed with shampoo.
Birch tar mask
Combine in a bowl 15 ml of burdock oil, 5 ml of birch tar and 2 capsules of vitamin A. The finished mixture is distributed over wet hair. After 50 minutes, gently rinse your hair. The mask can be done 2 times a week for 1.5-2 months.
Hair masks
Mummy mask
In a separate bowl, dissolve 8 g of mummy in 150 ml of warm water. Then add 10 g of honey and 5 g of sea buckthorn oil.
The finished mass is rubbed into the scalp, and then distributed over the entire length. The hair is wrapped in a towel for 25 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the hair is washed thoroughly.
Nicotinic acid mask
Mix 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid with 15 ml of aloe juice and 15 ml of propolis tincture. The mask is applied to the hair roots. The duration of the procedure is 60-75 minutes. To obtain a noticeable result, it is necessary to carry out at least 10 sessions.
Mask with yolks
In a separate bowl, combine 2 egg yolks and 15 g of red pepper. The finished mask is applied to the scalp, then wrapped in a towel. The hair is washed with shampoo after 35-40 minutes.
How to massage your scalp to stimulate hair growth
The duration of the session should not exceed 12-15 minutes. It is better to perform the procedure 1.5 hours before shampooing, because the sebaceous glands activated during the massage will begin to actively secrete a secret.
The massage procedure should begin with rubbing the temporal and frontal parts of the head with circular strokes. Gradually move to the hair area. Using your fingers, they work the entire surface of the head in a circular motion, following the direction of hair growth. During the massage, the fingers should be firmly pressed against the skin, but at the same time, much effort should not be applied.
After stroking, you can start circular rubbing, light pressure and tingling. The basic rule is not to overdo it. Movements should be felt, but not uncomfortable.
You should also finish the scalp massage with leisurely, pleasant strokes. At the end, you can devote a few minutes to the neck-collar zone. This will increase blood flow to the hair follicles and will have a beneficial effect on hair growth.
How to grow hair fast
If the hair on the head does not grow, this fact cannot be ignored.
Here's what to do to fix the problem:
- buy a high-quality natural hairbrush;
- cut dry and split ends;
- to minimize the use of a hair dryer, ironing (under the influence of high temperature, hair becomes brittle and dehydrated);
- regularly use masks as a care product;
- adhere to good nutrition;
- consume vitamin complexes regularly.
Healthy scalp hair is one of the criteria for a well-groomed appearance. But often situations arise when the hair does not grow, or even falls out altogether. What to do and how to solve this problem is known - care products and a special diet will help.
Video about home therapy methods when scalp hair does not grow
Effect of niacin to accelerate hair growth:
Essential oils to strengthen hair and accelerate growth:
Hair began to fall out a lot. I was advised to use masks with birch tar. The effect is visible after just two applications. In addition to masks, I also use tar shampoo for washing hair.